Glutamine Powder


Our Glutamine has only one ingredient: L-Glutamine naturally fermented from plant sources.


Improved Exercise Endurance

During prolonged exercise, like long-distance running, multiple essential processes in your muscles create chemical byproducts. Too much of these byproducts may lead to muscle fatigue and poor athletic performance. Glutamine helps your body process byproducts like ammonia buildup more efficiently, improving endurance and overall athletic performance.

Preserve Muscle Mass

As you exercise, your muscles are damaged with microscopic tears to stimulate the repair process, which is what results in muscle hypertrophy (growth). But if your muscles don’t get enough rest and nutrients to allow for adequate recovery before exercise again, then they can end up being utilized as fuel and catabolized. Supplementing with glutamine can protect against catabolism and preserve your hard-earned muscle mass.

Promotes overall health

Glutamine isn’t only good for exercise performance and preserving muscle. It’s also good for your overall health. Glutamine promotes improved immune response, better cognitive function, and a healthy digestive system.

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